Wednesday, June 25, 2014

McDaniel vs. Cochran

First post in a while, so why not talk about the heated Senate race in our home state of Mississippi?

Here's the thing - Chris McDaniel could have won if he'd focused more on selling himself to voters instead of trying to turn everyone against Thad Cochran. He just didn't have any real dirt on Cochran so instead McDaniel accused the lifelong conservative of not being conservative enough. It didn't work. He got close, and I mean real close, but that doesn't win the race.

Sure, it is probably time for Cochran to retire and it wouldn't hurt to do things a little differently, but McDaniel took the wrong approach and it backfired. I just wish conservatives would stop taking each other on like this. We should be banding together instead of splitting off. I will continue to see the tea party as a miserable polarizing failure and this race only helped to reinforce my opinion.

My congrats to Thad. Good luck in the upcoming general election as you take on Travis Childers. I sure hope we don't end up electing a democrat because of all the mess McDaniel stirred up.