Friday, March 16, 2012

Wearing a Cross at Work, soon to be outlawed in UK


Isn't it nice to know that in the UK it is permissable and government protected for Muslim women to wear their headdresses but if you are a christian you have no right to wear a cruxifix at your workplace?

How about if you run a small Bed & Breakfast and have a moral/religious conviction that two people, who aren't married to each other, shouldn't sleep together in one of the rooms in YOUR Bed and Breakfast?  The UK (the US as well) also says that you can't DISCRIMINATE in deciding who you let rent a room from you.

The first issue, the cross.  Utter idiocy.  If my employer has the legal right to tell me that I can't wear a small token of my faith around my neck then Western Civilization is over with.

The second issue.  More difficult.  I personally believe that if I own something and use that something to provide a service to the public why should I not be able to discriminate as to who I let use whatever it is that I own?  Let the Free Market determine if I succeed or not.  That of course runs into Equal Rights/Civil Rights and other issues.  So there is less of a easy answer for that issue.  To be honest I'm perplexed about it. 
Other thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Of course muslim women can wear their towels and you can't wear a cross. Duh. It's because muslims mass murder people and christians don't. Well, at least not any more.
