Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Congrats to Ben and Jenn!

I heard that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner just had a new baby boy and wanted to extend my congratulations. It seems a rare thing these days to hear about celebrities having kids and the parents actually be MARRIED. Good for them!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

What's a politicians most important job? Getting Re-Elected.

Great article that illustrates the political dilemma that our country faces.  The two paragraphs that are the most telling: "The minimum wage is one of the most studied economic policies. Hundreds of studies have concluded ‘that raising it destroys jobs while doing nothing to reduce poverty. One leading authority on the topic, economist David Neumark, recently observed, “Based on 20 years of research, I doubt there is ever a good time to raise the minimum wage.”  AND   "Still, the minimum-wage hike is gaining traction in both states in this election year because Democrats and Republicans in swing districts hope it’ll win them votes. Both groups are hoping to pressure Govs. Christie and Cuomo into endorsing a wage hike to strengthen their own positions with sympathetic voters."

This just again shows that in regards to politicians, the overwhelming majority of them believe that their most important job is getting re-elected not supporting the people of their districts. 

We will never get out of the mire that we are in as a country, when politicians knowingly put themselves over the public good. 

Contraceptive Rant Redux

The editorial board of the Seattle Times believes that pharmacists should be COMPELLED to dispense contraceptives.

Compelled.  People are ignorant of reality when they start wanting others to be compelled to do something.  Or when they want something banned.  Or when they want something mandated.

If you compell a Pharmacist to sell something that he is morally against, where does it stop? 

This editorial mentions (in a roundabout way) that the state's interest in this is that more pregnancies could be prevented by having more access to these contraceptives.  So money, as it always does, is the root of the issue? 

If that is really the case, I say we COMPELL all people from having sex until they are 30.  At that time they should be well enough along in whatever career they choose, that if they do get pregnant they can take care of the child, without making me, a taxpayer, have to pay for the child.

When people start asking the government to compell, ban or mandate something they are taking the easy/cowards way out.  Education, education, education is the answer.  It's a slow process but it is infinitely better than forcing a change in a specific behavior.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


The USPS announced today that they would be poop-canning 35,000 people. As to why the post office has turned out to be a miserable failure, the answer is simple: CONGRESS. Plain and simple, they stifled them by not allowing the post office to adjust to market conditions.

Check out this article for more on what happened and how the USPS may still be saved. Interesting reading!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Makers and Takers: By the Numbers

Makers and Takers.  50% of Americans only pay 3% of taxes.  The upper 10% pay 70 % of taxes.  And we want to increase taxes on which group???

Fair is in the eyes of the beholder

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One thing leads to another

Now this is an interesting case. I have had experience with the "gay roommate" thing and so has Mr. Upton, so this one hits kind of close to home. Neither of us had webcams at the time, though.

My concern here is that authorities want to hold Mr. Ravi responsible for the suicide of his roommate. Sure, it was wrong of him to take video of his roommate, but at the same time it was his dorm room, too. Also, they are trying to portray the "victim" (aren't you your own victim when you kill yourself?) as being extremely shy, yet dude was combing the Internet looking for hook-ups and inviting strangers back to his dorm room. That doesn't sound very shy to me.

This whole ordeal is why I don't like the idea of a "hate crime" and what it implies. Yes, Navi is a crappy person, but at the same time I understand him not liking his roommate taking over the room for a rendezvous with a stranger. I had a straight friend in my dorm whose straight roommate did the same thing. He'd wake up at 2am to hear his roommate and some random girl going at it. To me, that is very disrespectful.

It is unfortunate what happened to Mr. Clementi and I feel sorry for the loss experienced by his family. However, I can't help but think that this young man had other mental issues if he was so quick to go throw himself off a bridge. That implies bigger problems, and I don't see how Navi can be held responsible for the independent actions of another person. Furthermore, it has already been determined that the Westboro Baptist "God Hates Fags" hate group are protected by free speech, and if they can protest friggin' military funerals then I think Navi has the right to know what's going on in his own damn room filled with his belongings. A room in a dorm is not free, either.

What I take away from all this is that if you want privacy then go somewhere private. Don't expect privacy in a room you share with someone you just met, especially if you are hooking up with someone else you just met. Like the saying goes - GET A ROOM!

Monday, February 20, 2012

About those student loans...

I disagreed with many things that the Occupy protesters wanted, but of those many issues I think the one that stood out the most was the idea of student loan forgiveness. Isn't the whole point of college to prepare yourself for a better future? If you spend four years working on a degree that doesn't help you in the workforce, then why did you keep working on that degree? That's the part I don't understand. Do people not look at the job market before they launch into a degree program? Sure, taking a bunch of art classes would be great fun, but is that really what college is for?

I chose to study computers at college because I figured everybody has one at home and at the office, and that there was money to be made there. Guess what? I was right! I have always had an interest in movies and writing, but I didn't study film or creative writing because I knew, living in South Mississippi, that I would not be able to find a job. I'm still passionate about those things, but I am also realistic about the future.

Young people today, or anyone wishing to go to college, need to seriously consider what they are working toward. Just because you want something doesn't make it a good idea. I applaud anyone who wishes to further themselves by working toward a college degree, but you better make damn sure it's worth the investment. Degrees are expensive, and unless you come from a rich family or have a husband/wife that is the bread winner, you might want to rethink that liberal arts degree and get something a bit more useful, or just learn how to fix air conditioners.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Makers vs. Takers

Check out this article from about how more people now work for the government (salary paid by taxes, etc) than in manufacturing. And we wonder why this country is failing.

This could not be more true, and I have seen it first hand:

"In government employment, tenure for teachers and near lifetime employment for other civil servants shields workers from this basic system of reward and punishment. It is a system that breeds mediocrity, which is what we've gotten."

In my best Monty Python voice, "Run AWAY!!! Run AWAY!!!"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

ChiComs & Hollywood

Fan-freaking-tastic.  The ChiComs and Hollywood are in the process of forming a match made in hell.

With Hollywood looking to increase revenue streams and China sitting on revenue, Hollywood is about to become Beijing East. 

Gone or at the very least sugarcoasted will be claims that the ChiComs use slave labor, are rapidly modernizing their military, stealing our High Tech secrets like crazy, force prisoners to "donate" organs which are then sold, persecute christians and of course other religions, and etc....

The ChiComs will become the "Mr Rogers" of the world.  Not capable of doing anything wrong (or at least provable) and "helping" all of their neighbors, while wearing their cute little gray sweater.  Couple this with the knowledge that the studios either own or are owned by most of the larger mainstream media outlets a very rosy future will soon be created for them.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Unions are killing Twinkies!

Love the Wonder Bread?  Or the unwholesome but oh so creamy goodness of a Twinkie?  Maybe for not much longer.

I'm not anti-Union in reality.  If there was a significant need for them to exist, I say fine, have fun.  BUT, if the company fires you all don't come crying to me. 
I just don't see the need for the overwhelming majority of unions that currently operate in the U.S. 

They are a parasite.  In most union/company disputes, the company can't just fire the union labor.  If they do the Labor Dept. comes after them.  So they are stuck with unioned workers who endanger the company and consequently themselves.  Again, see parasite.

I have much more to say about unions but only so little time during lunch to do so.

Till another day.

Monday, February 13, 2012

POTUS Election 2012 - Can we pick teams again?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the upcoming presidential election and it bothers me just how much I don’t want to vote for any of them.

I don’t like Barrack Obama because he’s not been a good president. It has nothing to do with race or any of that crap. The man built a cabinet full of liars and crooks. He put a tax cheat over the treasury, and his AG (Eric Holder) is currently on trial for giving guns to Mexican drug runners in order to spearhead an anti-gun movement that backfired when those guns were used to kill a border patrol officer. I could go on, but that wouldn’t be necessary.

I don’t like Mitt Romney because he’s Mormon. There, I said it. I have nothing personal against Mormons, as I have some dear friends who subscribe to that religious philosophy. I think you can believe in what you want and worship however you want, but for the leader of this country I hold a higher standard. Never mind that Romney says stupid things like “I don’t care about the very poor” or that he’s had a silver spoon up his butt since birth. There are aspects of Mormonism that I think are just a bit weird, and it makes me wonder what other weird stuff he’s into. That and he doesn’t drink. At least Obama will sit down and have a beer with you.

Rick Santorum is a crazy person. The fact that he has the support that he does really scares me. Remember the whole Personhood thing that went around a while back? Part of that would require rape victims to be forced to carry the rapist’s child, even if the victim is a child herself. I hate abortion, but going that far with it is insane. It goes way too far and anyone who wishes to be POTUS ought to know better. That and he looks like Bob Saget.

Ron Paul. Oh, boy. I really want to vote for this guy, but there are some things that just don’t work for me. Can I get a moderate libertarian, please? His ideas about widespread cuts (which wouldn’t go over, anyway) are too far reaching. He’d spend most of his presidency butting heads with Congress over pretty much everything he wants to change.

If I vote for Paul, it’ll be a wasted vote because he won’t win. If he gets enough support, it could be like Ross Perot in 1992 all over again. That’s where Perot got so many votes that would probably have otherwise been Republican, and Bill Clinton won the race with only 43% of the popular vote.

I’d rather see Obama re-elected than Santorum win the election.

Mitt Romney…hmm…this might be one of those cases where I wouldn’t be so much as voting for him, but voting against Obama.

There’s still plenty of time to decide which one to choose, but if this were a restaurant I would have walked out already. Nothing on the menu looks good to me, and the prices are too high.

I've been there...have you?

I could exemplify this with screenshots of actual Facebook debates, but for now we'll just use this handy dandy graphic.

Contraception Rant

A very brief entry.

The whole Obama Healthcare Plan, contraception deal.

How the hell did it get to the point that WE, the taxpayers, are paying ANYBODY, ANYWHERE for their abortions, contraception medicine/devices, and counseling?

How does anybody even think that is a just concept?

It is easy to avoid the need for abortions and contraception needs.  DON'T HAVE SEX!!!  Whats that you say?  Deny myself my pleasure?  Deny my desires?  How dare you tell me what to do!

That is the mentality that we are dealing with.  You should be responsible for my actions because you can't tell me what to do with my body and I'm not responsible enough to make my own decisions.

Don't. Have. Sex.

Honoring Whitney Houston and the Grammy Awards

Last night, the Grammys.  I watched a whole 20 to 30 minutes of it.  Watched is defined as it was on in the background as I did other things.  I've read some about the production as well.

It does a disservice to aspiring entertainers/singers and young people in general to honor Whitney Houston.  She was a coke head.  She was once a singer, true.  But she ruined her god-given talents by abusing illegal drugs and prescription drugs. 

Did she once have a voice that could make Angels cry?  Yes indeed.

But she gave that up to live in a fantasy world that was slowly killing her.

So, I truly am not hating on her but don't look up to her and don't honor her.  By honoring her you are opening a door for aspiring musicians to say, "look at Whitney, she had a great voice.  She did some coke on the side too, it killed her, but I can handle it."

To many people look at situations like Whitney's and just see the good and don't mention or gloss over the bad.  None of us are perfect but in all honesty very few of us truly do bad things, harmful things.  Whitney did band and harmful things to herself, to her family and to her friends.

Remember her?  Sure.  Honor her? Not me.

As for the rest of the Grammys?  I'm apparently becoming old and crotchedy because I didn't like any of what I saw, whether it was country, rock, rap, r&b or whatever that Mickey Mouse thing was trying to do.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Visit your local Starbucks on Valentine's Day!

If you support the rights of gun owners, then please visit your local Starbucks on 2/14. The reason is that a bunch of anti-gun folks tried to force Starbucks corporate into creating a "no firearms allowed" policy for all their stores. The company refused, saying that they'd just stick to whatever the local laws are for those locations. The anti-gun folks threatened a boycott, so groups like the NRA (National Rifle Association) are asking members to counter the boycott by going to Starbucks on Valentine's Day and ordering something. You can get a regular 12 ounce coffee for @ $1.49, or splurge and get a mocha frappuccino for @ $4.50. Their blueberry scones are to die for.

Click here to learn more about the boycott and the pro-gun response to it.

P.S. Yes, the group putting on his boycott has an actual name, but I refuse to mention it here. They aren't getting any free publicity from this blog.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fair and Free: How I dislike these two words

Here's a post I recently wrote on Facebook.  Words have meaning, to many people overlook the most basic of concepts.

"Fair". I can't exactly describe just how much I detest the word. "Fair" is never fair. It is a word created to make those with little willpower or strength feel better about themselves. Fairness is subjective. It is not equal. True equality is what we should strive for. Another word and concept that is quickly heading up my list of intensely disliked thinks is, "free".
There. Is. Nothing. Free. Everything has a cost. How people don't understand that, baffles me.
I just heard an audio segment on NPR of our President's announcement today on his backtracking on the Contraception mandate for his health care overhaul. He stressed that contraception, etc.. would be "free". I bring up this audio bite not to hammer the president but as a useful illustration. If something is produced, manufactured, distributed, planned, designed, had any time spent on it at all. It COSTS something. A PRICE for whatever it is will be PAID by someone, somewhere. Nothing is ever free. A price is always paid, often by those who buy into the notion that they are getting something free.


Greetings all. Mr Fulks and I have been friends for approximately 25 years.  He and I have had many of the same experiences, some of them shared together, that have helped shape our views.  But we do differ on many issues and I look forward to seeing where our views diverge.  

A little about me.

I love politics and I hate politics.
I look at the Republican and Democrats as two Corporations fighting for control of the same pie.  With that viewpoint, I am never disappointed when I see a pol in one party or the other, support something that is not beneficial to our Republic.  Politicians are in the business to get themselves reelected.  There secondary goal is do see their comrades-in-arms reelcted.  Their third goal is to serve their constituency.  I write this in a general sense as there are some politicians that I believe are actually in it for the people who they represent.  But they are in the extreme minority.

I have voted for both R's and D's in my life.  I consider myself conservative, with a lot of libertarian leanings.  Being a conservative I do tend to vote Republican and of all the politicians out there I do tend to identify with them the most.  However, just having an R behind your name means little. 

Actions do indeed, speak louder than words.

As for the matters that Mr. Fulks mentioned I stand with him on most all points.  I do divulge from some of his views though.  A few of those divergences: Gay Marriage- Homosexuals can and should have all of the same rights as do married heterosexuals.  However, to me, Marriage is a sacrament and therefore is something that a church conducts.  The vast majority of christian churches don't look favorably upon homosexual marriage.  Equality is what needs to be reached so since the state wants to be involved in the union between two individuals, perhaps they should get out of the marriage business and get into the civil union business.  Leave Marriage to churches.  Foreign Policy- There exists a fine line between policing the world and supporting our interests in the present and in the future.  One of my main issues with Ron Paul is his belief to retreat from our foreign bases.  In what universe does that make sense?  We have spent blood and treasure to secure those bases.  Bases that will keep our military fighting on other people's land when the next inevitable major war starts.  We save more lives and save more money by haviing foreign bases.

Those are a few thougts to kick things off with.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Hello and welcome

Consider this the opening salvo of our fiery political blog. Rather than harp on a topic, I'm going to introduce myself and tell you where I stand on many topics. I figure that most of the people who read this are doing so because they know either me or Mr. Upton, but maybe eventually this blog might gain some enough momentum to pick up a few strangers. In that case, here's a little about me.

Since turning 18, I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats. At this point in my 36 years of existence, I find myself torn between the distinctions of "liberal" and "conservative" because I don't know what those words mean any more. I am certainly no Democrat, though some of my opinions fall in line with the party of the ass. I have become quite disenfranchised with what the elephant party has become since the first Bush, and so I don't consider myself a Republican, either. I guess that makes me a Libertarian. Rather than try to figure out one catch-all label, I'll just tell you what I think about "the issues" and you can decide where my alliances fall.

My name is Bill Fulks and this is where I stand on the following matters:

Gun Control - This is the very first thing I look at in any candidate. If you are anti-gun in any way, I will never vote for you. I firmly believe in one's right to self preservation and protection, and any politician who thinks that disarming someone will make them safer is not somebody I want in office.

Immigration - I have nothing against anyone from any country who wants to come here and work or start a new life. Technically, we are all descended from immigrants in one way or another. There is, however, a process by which someone rightly enters the country and becomes a citizen. If you wish to bypass this process, it makes me highly suspicious of your intentions. Furthermore, if you can't speak or read English and have no driver's license or insurance, I do not want to share the road with you.

Gay Marriage - I support it. I used to not support it, but I have had many discussions about it (sometimes with real life gay people!) and came to the conclusion that it's a civil rights issue. That and the divorce rate in this country makes any argument about the "sanctity of marriage" a friggin' joke. People just need to get over their bias.

Health Care - I think we are all obligated, as human beings, to try and prevent another person from dying. There is a big difference between saving a life and providing free health care. Right now, no hospital is going to turn someone away for an emergency. That would be cruel. However, it would also be cruel to force a medical professional ( who spent years training for a very specific job) to provide free services beyond life saving techniques. Nobody should be forced to work for free just because they know a lot about a certain profession. Trust me, I know about this because I work on computers for a living. No, I will not help you get rid of the virus you got from looking at porn sites. Look at how the post office is managed or the way Hurricane Katrina was handled in New Orleans, and that should be proof enough that you do not want to put the government in charge of your health care.

Marijuana - I think the government should legalize and then tax the hell out of it. Alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana. Stop the prohibition. Let the DEA focus on the stuff that can kill you like cocaine, heroin, meth, and so on.

Foreign Policy - I don't think the United States should police the world. We are still an economic superpower, but I worry that we're spreading ourselves too thin. I also think that we should never have meddled in the affairs of the middle east. People in that area have been killing each other since before Jesus walked among them and even he couldn't straighten them out. We also need to quit creating so many millionaire shieks by not buying any more of their oil.

That's enough for now. Come back later for more, if you dare.