Friday, February 10, 2012

Hello and welcome

Consider this the opening salvo of our fiery political blog. Rather than harp on a topic, I'm going to introduce myself and tell you where I stand on many topics. I figure that most of the people who read this are doing so because they know either me or Mr. Upton, but maybe eventually this blog might gain some enough momentum to pick up a few strangers. In that case, here's a little about me.

Since turning 18, I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats. At this point in my 36 years of existence, I find myself torn between the distinctions of "liberal" and "conservative" because I don't know what those words mean any more. I am certainly no Democrat, though some of my opinions fall in line with the party of the ass. I have become quite disenfranchised with what the elephant party has become since the first Bush, and so I don't consider myself a Republican, either. I guess that makes me a Libertarian. Rather than try to figure out one catch-all label, I'll just tell you what I think about "the issues" and you can decide where my alliances fall.

My name is Bill Fulks and this is where I stand on the following matters:

Gun Control - This is the very first thing I look at in any candidate. If you are anti-gun in any way, I will never vote for you. I firmly believe in one's right to self preservation and protection, and any politician who thinks that disarming someone will make them safer is not somebody I want in office.

Immigration - I have nothing against anyone from any country who wants to come here and work or start a new life. Technically, we are all descended from immigrants in one way or another. There is, however, a process by which someone rightly enters the country and becomes a citizen. If you wish to bypass this process, it makes me highly suspicious of your intentions. Furthermore, if you can't speak or read English and have no driver's license or insurance, I do not want to share the road with you.

Gay Marriage - I support it. I used to not support it, but I have had many discussions about it (sometimes with real life gay people!) and came to the conclusion that it's a civil rights issue. That and the divorce rate in this country makes any argument about the "sanctity of marriage" a friggin' joke. People just need to get over their bias.

Health Care - I think we are all obligated, as human beings, to try and prevent another person from dying. There is a big difference between saving a life and providing free health care. Right now, no hospital is going to turn someone away for an emergency. That would be cruel. However, it would also be cruel to force a medical professional ( who spent years training for a very specific job) to provide free services beyond life saving techniques. Nobody should be forced to work for free just because they know a lot about a certain profession. Trust me, I know about this because I work on computers for a living. No, I will not help you get rid of the virus you got from looking at porn sites. Look at how the post office is managed or the way Hurricane Katrina was handled in New Orleans, and that should be proof enough that you do not want to put the government in charge of your health care.

Marijuana - I think the government should legalize and then tax the hell out of it. Alcohol is more dangerous than marijuana. Stop the prohibition. Let the DEA focus on the stuff that can kill you like cocaine, heroin, meth, and so on.

Foreign Policy - I don't think the United States should police the world. We are still an economic superpower, but I worry that we're spreading ourselves too thin. I also think that we should never have meddled in the affairs of the middle east. People in that area have been killing each other since before Jesus walked among them and even he couldn't straighten them out. We also need to quit creating so many millionaire shieks by not buying any more of their oil.

That's enough for now. Come back later for more, if you dare.

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