Monday, February 20, 2012

About those student loans...

I disagreed with many things that the Occupy protesters wanted, but of those many issues I think the one that stood out the most was the idea of student loan forgiveness. Isn't the whole point of college to prepare yourself for a better future? If you spend four years working on a degree that doesn't help you in the workforce, then why did you keep working on that degree? That's the part I don't understand. Do people not look at the job market before they launch into a degree program? Sure, taking a bunch of art classes would be great fun, but is that really what college is for?

I chose to study computers at college because I figured everybody has one at home and at the office, and that there was money to be made there. Guess what? I was right! I have always had an interest in movies and writing, but I didn't study film or creative writing because I knew, living in South Mississippi, that I would not be able to find a job. I'm still passionate about those things, but I am also realistic about the future.

Young people today, or anyone wishing to go to college, need to seriously consider what they are working toward. Just because you want something doesn't make it a good idea. I applaud anyone who wishes to further themselves by working toward a college degree, but you better make damn sure it's worth the investment. Degrees are expensive, and unless you come from a rich family or have a husband/wife that is the bread winner, you might want to rethink that liberal arts degree and get something a bit more useful, or just learn how to fix air conditioners.


  1. I'm so with you on this. To expound some. It took me about 25 or so years to realize that I should always listen to my dad and 95% of the time take his advice, why because his advice came from experience and wisdom. One thing he said to me before I went to College was, get a degree in whatever you want BUT also get a degree that you can fall back on, like a business or teaching degree. I didn't, I earned a Poli Sci and a Psych degree, just like millions of others. I had to get a Master's to be able to get a decent job.
    If one gets a Eglish Lit/French Renaissance/Pre-Columbian History degree, they won't be able to get a job, unless they are rich/connected or get another degree. Don't bitch about taking out loans and getting a near-usless degree, when all you had to do was a little research.

  2. I have to think this is a byproduct of our "everybody gets a trophy" mentality where people equate participation with reward.
