Monday, February 13, 2012

Honoring Whitney Houston and the Grammy Awards

Last night, the Grammys.  I watched a whole 20 to 30 minutes of it.  Watched is defined as it was on in the background as I did other things.  I've read some about the production as well.

It does a disservice to aspiring entertainers/singers and young people in general to honor Whitney Houston.  She was a coke head.  She was once a singer, true.  But she ruined her god-given talents by abusing illegal drugs and prescription drugs. 

Did she once have a voice that could make Angels cry?  Yes indeed.

But she gave that up to live in a fantasy world that was slowly killing her.

So, I truly am not hating on her but don't look up to her and don't honor her.  By honoring her you are opening a door for aspiring musicians to say, "look at Whitney, she had a great voice.  She did some coke on the side too, it killed her, but I can handle it."

To many people look at situations like Whitney's and just see the good and don't mention or gloss over the bad.  None of us are perfect but in all honesty very few of us truly do bad things, harmful things.  Whitney did band and harmful things to herself, to her family and to her friends.

Remember her?  Sure.  Honor her? Not me.

As for the rest of the Grammys?  I'm apparently becoming old and crotchedy because I didn't like any of what I saw, whether it was country, rock, rap, r&b or whatever that Mickey Mouse thing was trying to do.

1 comment:

  1. Look up some of her most recent live performances. It's like bad karaoke. She destroyed her body, her voice, and her gift long before she finally finished herself off. Very sad story, indeed. There is a lesson to be learned there, and I was at least glad to see the hosts discussing prescription drug abuse on GMA.
