Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fair and Free: How I dislike these two words

Here's a post I recently wrote on Facebook.  Words have meaning, to many people overlook the most basic of concepts.

"Fair". I can't exactly describe just how much I detest the word. "Fair" is never fair. It is a word created to make those with little willpower or strength feel better about themselves. Fairness is subjective. It is not equal. True equality is what we should strive for. Another word and concept that is quickly heading up my list of intensely disliked thinks is, "free".
There. Is. Nothing. Free. Everything has a cost. How people don't understand that, baffles me.
I just heard an audio segment on NPR of our President's announcement today on his backtracking on the Contraception mandate for his health care overhaul. He stressed that contraception, etc.. would be "free". I bring up this audio bite not to hammer the president but as a useful illustration. If something is produced, manufactured, distributed, planned, designed, had any time spent on it at all. It COSTS something. A PRICE for whatever it is will be PAID by someone, somewhere. Nothing is ever free. A price is always paid, often by those who buy into the notion that they are getting something free.

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