Monday, February 13, 2012

POTUS Election 2012 - Can we pick teams again?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the upcoming presidential election and it bothers me just how much I don’t want to vote for any of them.

I don’t like Barrack Obama because he’s not been a good president. It has nothing to do with race or any of that crap. The man built a cabinet full of liars and crooks. He put a tax cheat over the treasury, and his AG (Eric Holder) is currently on trial for giving guns to Mexican drug runners in order to spearhead an anti-gun movement that backfired when those guns were used to kill a border patrol officer. I could go on, but that wouldn’t be necessary.

I don’t like Mitt Romney because he’s Mormon. There, I said it. I have nothing personal against Mormons, as I have some dear friends who subscribe to that religious philosophy. I think you can believe in what you want and worship however you want, but for the leader of this country I hold a higher standard. Never mind that Romney says stupid things like “I don’t care about the very poor” or that he’s had a silver spoon up his butt since birth. There are aspects of Mormonism that I think are just a bit weird, and it makes me wonder what other weird stuff he’s into. That and he doesn’t drink. At least Obama will sit down and have a beer with you.

Rick Santorum is a crazy person. The fact that he has the support that he does really scares me. Remember the whole Personhood thing that went around a while back? Part of that would require rape victims to be forced to carry the rapist’s child, even if the victim is a child herself. I hate abortion, but going that far with it is insane. It goes way too far and anyone who wishes to be POTUS ought to know better. That and he looks like Bob Saget.

Ron Paul. Oh, boy. I really want to vote for this guy, but there are some things that just don’t work for me. Can I get a moderate libertarian, please? His ideas about widespread cuts (which wouldn’t go over, anyway) are too far reaching. He’d spend most of his presidency butting heads with Congress over pretty much everything he wants to change.

If I vote for Paul, it’ll be a wasted vote because he won’t win. If he gets enough support, it could be like Ross Perot in 1992 all over again. That’s where Perot got so many votes that would probably have otherwise been Republican, and Bill Clinton won the race with only 43% of the popular vote.

I’d rather see Obama re-elected than Santorum win the election.

Mitt Romney…hmm…this might be one of those cases where I wouldn’t be so much as voting for him, but voting against Obama.

There’s still plenty of time to decide which one to choose, but if this were a restaurant I would have walked out already. Nothing on the menu looks good to me, and the prices are too high.

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